Department Chair

Dr. Yaakov Mascetti

bldg. 1004 first floor
Fields of Interest

Yaakov Mascetti is presently Chair of the Department of Comparative Literature. His work focuses on early-modern sermons, Renaissance religious lyrics, metaphysical poetry, early-modern conceptions of sight and cognition, the role of occultism in the rise of modernity, and definitions of femininity in early-modern English literature. He is completing his first book on John Donne and alchemy and is working on a book-long project on early-modern English sermons under the auspices of the Israel Science Foundation.

Reception Hours
by appointment
Bar-Ilan University








    Tokens of Love: Humanist Sign-Theory and Protestant Sacramentalism in Early-Modern English Religious Lyrics. (In three installments, Common Knowledge, Duke University Press)






    “Biddizza” and “Sapiri”: Gender and Philosophy in the Poetry of Tommaso Campailla and Girolama Lorefice Grimaldi. Seicento e Settecento, vol. 16, 2021, 107-132


    “Acta Apothegmata”: Performative Semantics in John Donne’s Sermons. John Donne Journal, 35 (2016), 145-163.


    "The Bible in the Renaissance" Liber Annuus - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (January 2018).


    "The 'Dictatorship of Relativism' Revisited: Platonism vs. Pneumatology in the Vatican" Common Knowledge 24:2 (May 2018).


    "'With the eie of Faith': Aemilia Lanyer’s Religious and Feminine Sight in

    Context, Partial Answers 16: (April 2018), 1-25


    "“This Pretious Passeover Feed Upon”: Poetic Eucharist and Feminine

    Vision in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" in Arthur Marotti and Chanita Goodblatt, Religious Diversity and Early-Modern English Texts: Catholic, Judaic, Feminist, and Secular Dimensions (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2013), 251-281


    "עבודה לתפארת":  מוות, אלכימיה, שנינות והחייאה מילולית ב"אנטומיה של העולם" לג'ון דוֹן (ייצא ב2015 באוסף על קבלה וספרות, מגנס) (In Hebrew)


    “‘This is the famous stone:’ George Herbert’s Ambiguous Poetic Alchemy” in Stanton J. Linden, ed., Mystical Metal of Gold: Essays on Alchemy and Renaissance Culture (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 301-324


    “Satan and the ‘incompos’d’ visage of Chaos: Critical Certainties and Hermeneutic Indeterminacy”  Milton Studies 50 (2010)


    A “World of Nothing, but Pure Wit”: Margaret Cavendish and the Gendering of the Imaginary”, Partial Answers vol. 6 no. 1 (January 2008), 1-31


    "'This great office': Death, Alchemy and Verbal Revivification in John Donne's Anatomy of the World", Connotations (Winter 2009)


    "Satanic Individualism, Divine Omnipotence and Chaos in John Milton’s Paradise Lost: Post-Restoration Ontology and Politics of Uncertainty", in M. Caricchio, G. Tarantino, eds., Cromohs Virtual Seminars. Recent historiographical trends of the British Studies (17th-18th Centuries), 2006-2007: 1-7



    “‘How to make Justice out of Law:’ An Interview with Gianni Vattimo.” Common Knowledge 8:3 (Summer 2002)


    “Path to Jerusalem” by Cardinal Maria Martini,” Common Knowledge,  13:2-3 (July 2007)



    “Shadow and Substance: Eucharistic Controversy and English Drama Across the Reformation Divide” by Jay Zysk. (Forthcoming on Common Knowledge).


    “Death be not Proud”: The Art of Holy Attention. By David Marno. (Forthcoming, Common Knowledge).


    The Destruction of Jerusalem in Early Modern English Literature, by Beatrice Groves” Renaissance Quarterly 70:2 (Summer 2017), 806-8.


    "Donne's Augustine: Renaissance Cultures of Interpretation, by Katrin Ettenhuber" Renaissance Quarterly 65:1 (Spring 2012), 303-305.


    "The Christian Hebraism of John Donne: Written With the Fingers of Man's Hand, by Chanita R. Goodblatt" Renaissance Quarterly 64:1 (Spring 2011), 341-343


    "The Hebrew Book in Early-Modern Italy, by Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear." Common Knowledge 21:3 (August 2015), 530.


    "John Donne: Body and Soul" by Ramie Targoff – Common Knowledge 19:1 (Winter 2013), 136-6.


    “Women, Space, and Utopia, 1600-1800” by Nicole Pohl – The Scriblerian Spring 2009


    “Giovanni Tarantino, Martin Clifford 1624-1677. Deismo e Tolleranza nell”Inghilterra della Restaurazione.” Common Knowledge (in preparation)


    “Rocco Coronato, Shakespeare’s Neighbors” Partial Answers 1:2, 173-176


    Last Updated Date : 04/09/2024