Philosophy and Literature, Theopoetics

The comparative literature discipline aspires to compare poetic texts from different eras, languages, and cultures based on Geta’s vision of “world literature.” Over time, this perception evolved into an exploration of the relations between literature and other disciplines, i.e., interdisciplinary research. The comparative, interdisciplinary literature and philosophy research aspires to illustrate the delicate interactions between the metamorphosis of theoretical ideas and their poetic representationbetween logos and myth. On the one hand, this research clarifies the poetic, rhetoric, and narrative mechanisms of philosophical writing, and on the other hand, it reveals the philosophic layers of poetic and fiction texts. Theopoetics is an interdisciplinary research in the field of comparative literature. Its purpose is to study and demonstrate the weave of connections between theology and poetics, i.e., between religious symbols, thinking, and believing, to artistic and poetic representations. It originates from Martin Heidegger’s late philosophy, which teaches us to exchange “talking about god” (theology) with exploring divinity’s poetic and artistic representations in art (theopoetics).
